Your vote for president is about more than the person

By Carol Lenz

'Why should I vote at all? Neither presidential candidate inspires me.' Why? Because your vote for president is about more than the person. It is about the kind of America you want to live in.

Your vote is for an America that values all people, or one that discriminates against certain groups. You are voting to defend freedoms for everyone, or for just some. You are voting for religious freedom for all, or for a theocracy that blurs the line between church and state. You are voting for a Congress that will work for all people, or one that caters to the wealthy. You are voting so the Constitution and the Rule of Law apply equally to everyone, or are arbitrary and apply just to some. You are voting for the next U.S. Supreme Court justice, or perhaps two, who will shape the future for generations. The choice couldn’t be more stark.

Not voting, or voting third-party, says you don’t care what kind of America you and your loved ones live in. Your vote for president, and for candidates up and down the ballot, will determine our collective futures. We count on each other to vote and to do so thoughtfully.


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