OAT Relaunch: The First Step Toward November Victory

It took a lot of hard work and nearly 15 years to win our battle to end gerrymandering. A lot of postcards, a lot of phone calls, a lot of lawsuits, a lot of knocking doors, a lot of determination. 

We did that … everyday Wisconsites who were fed up with the GOP’s unearned majorities in the legislature and the consequences it brought. We never gave in to the hopelessness and frustration that overwhelmed us at times. We took action instead.

How negligent would it be of us to fail to seize this new day and cash in on the grand opportunity we ourselves created? 

We’re not going to let that happen. The work of flipping the state assembly and state senate and of re-electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris starts on May 4 and it starts with the relaunching of our all-important Outagamie Action Team program in preparation for the November election. 

Whether you are currently an active member of an OAT, a formerly active member or someone entirely new to  our action team program, we need you there, not only to provide your input but to learn about our strategies and find your roles in helping to implement them. 

Please save the date for May 4 from 9 to 1 at our county party office. Lunch will be provided.

With democracy under siege and with all the ugly consequences of getting this election wrong, no one can afford to sit this one out. If we win Outagamie County in November we are that much closer to winning the state for Joe Biden and with a victory in Wisconsin, Biden’s path to re-election is all but assured. 

That’s how much it matters what you do. 

Don’t look to your fellow Democrat to save us. Look within yourself and ask “How can I help?” 

Because Our Democracy Depends on You.


Keeping the Faith: Forgiving Educational Debt


Your vote for president is about more than the person