Jobs & Our Economy

We are committed to doing everything we can to build a full-employment economy, where everyone has a job that pays enough to raise a family and live in dignity with a sense of purpose.

Democrats believe that our economy should strengthen our country and work for every American, not just those at the top. We are committed to helping all Americans meet the challenges of the 21st century by spurring job creation, rebuilding our infrastructure, investing in clean-energy technologies and small businesses, and making sure corporations, the wealthy, and Wall Street pay their fair share.

When President Obama took office in 2009, he inherited an economy in freefall, with huge deficits, skyrocketing healthcare costs, dwindling employment, and banking and housing markets on the brink of collapse. Working with the President, Democrats stabilized the financial system, helped to prevent a second Great Depression, and created millions of new jobs.

The lowest number of unemployment claims in decades and 15.5 million new private-sector jobs since early 2010: that’s the progress Democrats made under President Obama, and that’s the progress we’re working every single day to protect.


Immigration Reform


Human Dignity